Internet Speeds in Livermore, CA

There are 2 internet providers operating in Livermore, the most popular being Xfinity. Xfinity offers cable internet service. In 14,972 recent tests, on average, we have been seeing 171 Mbps for download speeds and 23 Mbps for upload speeds for Xfinity customers. In addition to Xfinity, DSL, fiber and fixed wireless internet service is also available from AT&T.

While these are the real speeds we have been seeing in our research, there are many factors that go into the actual download and upload speeds you will encounter.

Last updated on June 18, 2024
ProviderDownload SpeedUpload SpeedLatency
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171 Mbps23 Mbps10 ms
Fixed Wireless
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192 Mbps92 Mbps8 ms
* Data from speed tests taken in the last 3 months

Internet Providers in Livermore, CA



Download Speed


Upload Speed





Xfinity is the most popular provider in Livermore offering cable internet service. Users have been getting 171 Mbps for download speeds and 23 Mbps for upload speeds over 14,972 recent tests.

Performance Breakdown

Xfinity has the 2nd fastest average download speed, the 2nd fastest average upload speed, and the 2nd lowest latency out of all of the providers in Livermore. 25% of users saw download speeds between 250-500 Mbps, and 38% of users saw upload speeds between 10-25 Mbps.

Download Speeds

Upload Speeds

Recent Xfinity Speed Tests in Livermore

DateDownload SpeedUpload SpeedLatency
June 17, 2024465 Mbps106 Mbps9 ms
June 17, 202493 Mbps90 Mbps8 ms
June 17, 2024119 Mbps18 Mbps7 ms
June 17, 2024436 Mbps23 Mbps108 ms
June 17, 202493 Mbps23 Mbps7 ms
June 17, 2024870 Mbps235 Mbps8 ms
June 17, 20249 Mbps9 Mbps29 ms
June 17, 2024744 Mbps23 Mbps7 ms
June 17, 202489 Mbps23 Mbps10 ms
June 17, 2024120 Mbps18 Mbps9 ms


Fixed Wireless

Download Speed


Upload Speed





AT&T is the 2nd most popular provider in Livermore offering DSL, fiber and fixed wireless internet service. Users have been getting 192 Mbps for download speeds and 92 Mbps for upload speeds over 3,211 recent tests.

Performance Breakdown

AT&T has the fastest average download speed, the fastest average upload speed, and the lowest latency out of all of the providers in Livermore. 23% of users saw download speeds faster than 500 Mbps, and 35% of users saw upload speeds faster than 250 Mbps.

Download Speeds

Upload Speeds

Recent AT&T Speed Tests in Livermore

DateDownload SpeedUpload SpeedLatency
June 17, 20241 Mbps10 Mbps37 ms
June 17, 202461 Mbps1 Mbps5 ms
June 17, 2024780 Mbps701 Mbps9 ms
June 17, 2024607 Mbps545 Mbps4 ms
June 17, 2024209 Mbps113 Mbps9 ms
June 17, 2024922 Mbps755 Mbps4 ms
June 17, 2024324 Mbps216 Mbps7 ms
June 17, 2024724 Mbps509 Mbps44 ms
June 17, 202433 Mbps7 Mbps10 ms
June 17, 2024362 Mbps79 Mbps46 ms

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Latency ms

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Frequently Asked Questions

What internet providers are available in Livermore, CA?

Xfinity and AT&T currently operate in Livermore.

What is the most popular internet provider in Livermore, CA?

Xfinity is currently the most popular internet provider in Livermore based on the number of speed tests in the last 3 months.

What is the fastest internet provider in Livermore, CA?

The fastest internet provider for you is going to differ based on your needs, and which providers actually serve your home. However, when it comes to the real speeds users in Livermore are getting, AT&T provides the fastest download speeds and AT&T provides the fastest upload speeds.

Is there fiber internet in Livermore, CA?

AT&T provides fiber internet in Livermore.